Practical Music Ltd

The company owned by composer-performers Jan Steele & Janet Sherbourne

Practical Music Ltd

The website of the company owned by composer-performers Jan Steele and Janet Sherbourne.

The company includes the record label Practical Music Ltd, and also the Jazz Music Performance Agency Jazz and Salsa.

The prime reason for the existence of the website you are currently visiting is to enable people who are interested in the recordings issued on the Practical Music label to be able to find out what recordings are available to buy, what recordings are now unavailable, and to be able to contact Jan Steele and Janet Sherbourne and find out what they are up to nowadays. Up to now it has only been possible to do this through the personal website of Janet Sherbourne. You can still do that!

We will gradually be developing the Practical Music site.

All details of Practical Music recordings available or not available, and recordings available or not available on other labels are listed on the Recordings page.